Thursday, December 12, 2013


I think that continuity with your gifts to your little can turn a simple/basic gift, into a really 'wow' gift. I'm going to use the gifts my big gave to me as an example of using the same palate through all of the gifts.

I told her that I liked purple, solid colors (no patterns) and that's about it. And she ran with it. The main colors she used were a dark purple, light purple and gold. If you are going to use more than four colors, I think using one accent color per item is best and then for a couple items here use accent color 1 and a few items there use accent color 2.

My crate, pin box and 'hope' sign were only the 3 main colors, using mostly solid dark purple and middle stripes of the other colors. My letters were the light purple and twine. My paddle was dark and light purple, gold, wood and twine. My ribbon board was light purple and gold.

Notice how if there is a variant of the three color combination, it was picked up somewhere else. There was twine in at least two items.

When I made gifts for my little, since I used sparkle spray paint once, I found a way to use it in another item to make it look part of the same collection. Using the same paints in all of your crafting is the easiest way to make a set of gifts look part of the same collection and a lot more professional.

Take care and do good,

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